Dairy farming families taking part in 2019 Farm Business Strategic Review
What are your dairy farming family’s priorities for the next 12 months? For the next five to 10 years? What are the key strategic and financial decisions you need to make to get the best result for your family?
The 2019 Farm Business Strategic Review is now being delivered by Rural Business Support (RBS) in consultation with the SA Dairy Industry Fund, DairySA, SADA and PIRSA.
The highly successful program uses proven tools and on-farm support to assist dairy farming families to consider fundamental questions around where their business is at, clarify where it’s going and commit with confidence to where the family ideally wants it to be.
The first phase of the program involves family members attending a Strategic Workshop. On-farm support is then provided through meetings with a dairy farm business analyst who work closely with families to develop a business and finance strategic action plan using new tools.
The program is equivalent to $7500 of consulting support, with PIRSA, SA Dairy Industry Fund and DairySA covering the majority of costs. The cost for new families to “connect” is $1000 and $750 for families who participated in 2016 or 2017 to “reconnect”.
Fifty families participated in 2016 and 2017 and reported significant economic and emotional benefits.
For more information please email dairyreview@ruralbusinesssupport.org.au or contact Nigel Robinson, (Project Manager Dairy – Farm Business Strategic Review) on 0499 556 488.