Chris Fitzgerald
Business Financial Counsellor
Regional Mentor
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T: 1800 836 211
Chris is dedicated to helping others, farming and business. She enjoys working as a Business Financial Counsellor, not only helping clients to understand their financial and business situation, but then supporting them to achieve improved outcomes and wellbeing.
Chris is from a pioneering farming family near Kyancutta and has been involved in the business management of her own family farm for over 30 years. Prior to joining RBS in October 2009, Chris worked at the Wudinna Area School as Finance Officer for 15 years and also as Regional Finance Officer for Mid-West Health. Over the years Chris has been actively involved in many community and sporting clubs in her local area and enjoys spending time with her family.
Chris has completed the Ignite Leadership Coaching Course and uses the skills gained to compliment her work with clients on the Eyre Peninsula. Chris is currently a Board Director of South Australian Financial Counsellors Association (SAFCA).